Familiarize - definição. O que é Familiarize. Significado, conceito
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O que (quem) é Familiarize - definição

v. a.
Accustom, habituate, inure, use, train.
·vt To make acquainted, or skilled, by practice or study; as, to familiarize one's self with a business, a book, or a science.
II. Familiarize ·vt To make familiar or intimate; to Habituate; to Accustom; to make well known by practice or converse; as, to familiarize one's self with scenes of distress.
(familiarizes, familiarizing, familiarized)
Note: in BRIT, also use 'familiarise'
If you familiarize yourself with something, or if someone familiarizes you with it, you learn about it and start to understand it.
I was expected to familiarise myself with the keyboard...
The goal of the experiment was to familiarize the people with the new laws.
VERB: V pron-refl with n, V n with n
Exemplos de pronúncia para Familiarize
1. strange and familiarize it.
Home _ Toni Morrison _ Talks at Google
2. Familiarize yourself with what's popular online.
Wow! ClickHole! _ Jermaine Affonso, Ben Berkley _ Talks at Google
3. talks about having to familiarize himself
Manhattan _ Sam Shaw, David Ellison, Dana Goldberg + More _ Talks at Google
4. to familiarize public with the physics.
The Dialogues - Conversations About the Nature of the Universe _ Clifford Johnson _ Talks at Google
5. list, if you want to familiarize yourself.
Taz Bhatia _ Talks at Google
Exemplos do corpo de texto para Familiarize
1. He urged GOP officials to familiarize themselves now.
2. The course aimed to familiarize participants with the basics of today's business world.
3. He said students should also familiarize themselves with US law before going to the country.
4. He dropped in at a soldiers‘ hall to familiarize himself with the unit‘s political work.
5. "I didn‘t familiarize myself with the facts of the case," Kadamovas, 40, said through an interpreter.